Advance Family Dental Care
Nitrous Oxide Sedation Northbrook
Easing Dental Anxiety with Laughing Gas
Are you having concerns about your next dental procedure? Do dental visits give you anxiety in general? Well, inhalation conscious sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide, also known as "laughing gas" might be your best option in eliminating any concerns! No matter how gentle we promise to be, we still see patients who are terrified of any kind of dental work. Even a simple checkup can make people tremble with fear.
Oral hygiene and dental care are essential to your body’s health. We want to ensure that you get the treatment you need – without the anxiety, you would normally feel during a visit. Nitrous oxide with our experienced and trusted dentist, Dr. Zomorrodi, is a safe, comfortable way to have your teeth cared for. With nitrous oxide you won’t feel any pain or discomfort. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to go home – with a healthy mouth and a bright smile!
Inhaltion Conscious Sedation
With Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation (Inhalation Conscious Sedation), the patient will experience a state of very deep relaxation. You can still speak and respond to the requests of others. This is the most frequently used sedation method used in dentistry. All bodily functions remain normal and the person is able to breathe on their own. Inhalation Sedation has been used by dentists for many years.
Advantages of Nitrous Oxide:
Disadvantages of Nitrous Oxide:
What Medications are Used for DEntal Inhalation Sedation?
The safety features of the machine ensure a patient receives no less than 30% Oxygen mixed with Nitrous Oxide. Usually, the patient receives 50 to 70% Oxygen.
Experience a Relaxing Dental Visit